Presenting a new free SharePoint tool – SPDocKit Pulse!



The holidays are coming and the SPDocKit team decided to surprise you with a new, and above all, free useful application to autodetect SharePoint farms in your domain and monitor farm performance in real time.

How can you be in control if you have no insights into your farms? Your pulse doesn’t have to get elevated, since no farm crisis will go undetected with SPDocKit Pulse.
How can you be in control if you have no insights into your farms? Your pulse doesn’t have to get elevated, since no farm crisis will go undetected with SPDocKit Pulse.

SPDocKit Pulse key features:

  • Autodiscover SharePoint farms, servers within a farm and server roles
  • Overview per server of SharePoint farm performance counters
  • Interactive dashboard with real-time data on server status
  • Option to export real-time server performance metrics in XLSX format

Autodiscover SharePoint farms and servers

SPDocKit Pulse can give you an overview of the servers in your farm, the SharePoint version installed, server roles, config databases associated with a particular farm, and the most important performance counters in real time. Once the auto-detecting process is finished, you can, of course, add servers manually, and group and even remove them from your monitoring list.

Farm Performance Overview per Server

We developed SPDocKit Pulse as view-only application with an overview of SharePoint farms from a central interactive dashboard. This means that you can monitor the online and offline status of your servers, critical thresholds, and server roles. SPDocKit Pulse keeps you informed about server RAM, CPU, and disk space.

Single Server Performance Counters Overview.
Single Server Performance Counters Overview.

How can you be in control if you have no insights into your farms? Your pulse doesn’t have to get elevated, since no farm crisis will go undetected with SPDocKit Pulse.

Download it now!


One response to “Presenting a new free SharePoint tool – SPDocKit Pulse!”

  1. Thanks for sharing the informative post. SPDockit will definitely useful for everyone.

Hey there! I’m Toni, the Co-Founder and CEO of Syskit, creators of Syskit Point and SPDocKit. Welcome to Toni on Tech, where we explore the ever-evolving world of software, technology, and business.