Paint it, Black! SPDocKit 6



It’s that time of the year—the time to release another major version of your favorite SharePoint admin tool. It’s time for SPDocKit v6!

Today, after working hard for over a year, our team shipped a ton of great stuff. When we started building this tool back in 2009, it was just a simple script to help us automate documentation of SharePoint for our clients. Today, it’s much broader. Now we offer documentation, best practices analysis, inventory of your servers, very detailed permission reporting, and permission management. Learn more…

I know that 2016 is going to be the year many of you migrate farms to SharePoint 2016, so we have improved everything related to comparing farm features so you can see if everything is configured identically.

We also did a bit of a user interface makeup, showing you our “dark side,” with the team internally known as “Darth Vader”.

SPDocKit v6 - The new fancy "Darth Vader" theme
SPDocKit v6 – The new fancy “Darth Vader” theme

PS: In case you’re wondering what this whale icon thing is in SPDocKit v6, let me explain. My company Acceleratio is from Croatia, and in Croatian “kit” means “whale”, so we chose that as our icon for the products we are developing.

Paint it, Black! SPDocKit 6
SPDocKit v6 Splashscreen

Hey there! I’m Toni, the Co-Founder and CEO of Syskit, creators of Syskit Point and SPDocKit. Welcome to Toni on Tech, where we explore the ever-evolving world of software, technology, and business.